Recommended Books

My favorite baby and toddler books

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You Are My I Love You: board book
This is a very sweet book about the parent/child relationship. It pulls at the heart strings every time I read it.

B is for Bear: A Very First Book for the Baby You Love
An alphabet touch and feel book. We've read this book too many times to count. It is a favorite book at our house.

Barnyard Dance! (Boynton on Board)
This is a fun, rhythmic book set in the style of a square dance. Fun to read and listen to.

I'm Just a Frog (Goggle-eyed Storybooks)
When my son was one, he'd bring this book to me read every story time. I think the "croak, croak, ribbit, ribbit" tickled his ears.

Slide and Find - Trucks
This is starting to become a popular book at our house, now that my son is able to move the sliders on his own. Great way to learn about different types of trucks. Very interactive.

Bears on Wheels
A classic Stan and Jan Berenstain book. We recently introduced this book at our house. I love the repetition and the counting. This will be a good early reader when my children beginning reading.

My Big Animal Book (My Big Board Books)
This book is great for learning the names of different animals. It is a large book with large pictures. And the best part is that it is a board book. My son is still not very good with non-board books.

Abby's First Book Of Shapes (Sesame Street First Board Books)
I read this book a lot. Sesame Street has more books that feature words, colors, and bedtime. We like all of the Sesame Street board books we have.